AVPA 世界茶葉大賽獲獎禮盒
綠茗堂有三款茶於法國AVPA (L'Agence pour la Valorisation des Produits Agricoles) 農產品評估局舉辦的2020第三屆世界茶葉大賽獲得三項大獎!
分別是梨山高山烏龍, 梨山蜜香烏龍及日月潭水沙蓮紅茶得到了獎項的肯定.
感謝AVPA對綠茗堂的認可, 我們很高興第一次將茶帶到世界級的比賽就受到歐洲評審的喜愛. 關於這幾款茶我們特別推出禮盒跟大家分享 :
"AVPA 世界茶葉大獎禮盒 - 內有梨山高山烏龍茶, 梨山蜜香烏龍茶 及 日月潭水沙蓮紅茶"
第一款 梨山高山烏龍茶
梨山茶的茶區由合歡山脈, 翠峰到翠巒為全台灣海拔最高的產茶區, 海拔從1700公尺到2300公尺, 高山氣候特別顯著,常年處於低溫環境, 雲霧繚繞, 成長緩慢, 使得茶葉能足時生長, 一年平均採收三次, 且常受白雪洗禮. 只要天, 地, 人三合, 不難喝到口齒留香, 入喉即化, 氣貫天靈的極品.
這次得到最高肯定獎項的是這款梨山高山烏龍茶輕焙, 幾乎不焙火的青心烏龍. 可以品嚐到獨特的高山茶氣, 茶湯鮮美, 高冷清香, 入喉的時候特別清甜滑口.
第二款得到肯定獎項的茶: 梨山蜜香烏龍茶.
兩款茶雖然都種植於梨山產區, 但最大的不同是今天介紹這款梨山蜜香烏龍茶, 是採製經「小綠葉蟬」吸食過的鮮嫩茶葉為原料. 經過萎凋、發酵、殺青、揉捻、焙火後,製成品質優良而且富自然甜味的蜜香烏龍, 是女生也會喜歡的香甜烏龍茶!(而且小編偷偷告訴你,有蟲咬過等於天然有機喔!)
第三款得到肯定獎項的茶: 日月潭水沙蓮紅茶.
綠茗堂的日月潭水沙蓮紅茶是當初進貢給日本天皇的阿薩姆紅茶品種老欉, 產地位於南投. 這款紅茶有個特別的香甜滋味, 有些人覺得像是焦糖, 也有些人覺得像是地瓜, 峰蜜, 或者水蜜桃. 採收時只採用無梗的一心二葉部分, 使這款日月潭紅茶不僅喝起來有自然香甜回甘, 還能呈現出多種層次的頂級手採茶香.
Le Vert thé has won three medals in the Third Teas of the World Contest hosted by France’s AVPA (L'Agence pour la Valorisation des Produits Agricoles)Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural ProductsLee-san high mountain oolong, Lee-san honey oolong and Sun-moon lake black tea are the teas that have been selected in this contest.
We hereby introduce our newest giftset :
– the AVPA awarded giftset – that includes the Lee-san high mountain oolong tea, the Lee-san honey oolong tea as well as the Sun-moon lake black tea.
-The Lee-san tea region reaches from the Hohuan Mountain range and Cuifeng to Lixing Industrial Road on a north-south axis, making it the tea production region at the highest altitude in Taiwan (1,700m to 2,300m). The marked changes in climate in the alpine region and low temperature conditions year round enable tea leaves to grow slowly but steadily while surrounded by clouds and fog. Tea in this region is harvested three times a year. The frequent snowfall makes for a refreshing, sweet and mellow tasting tea liquor. The exquisite tea from this region which will simply astound your senses with its silky taste and lasting fragrance.
From Le Vert thé the tea that has won the highest award in the contest is our Lee-san high mountain oolong tea.
-The Lee-san honey oolong tea uses special leaves bitten by the tea green leaf-hopper. Only after several processes such as fermentation and roasting, it is made into high-quality honey oolong that is popular among women!
The tea is just like its name, you will notice its natural honey flavors whether it’s when you’re smelling its aroma or tasting its tea soup. The sweet taste makes you feel as if you’re having your tea in a garden.
-Le Vert thé’s Sun-moon lake black tea, originating from Nantou, is the same tea that was offered as tribute to the emperor of Japan during the Japanese in Taiwan era. This black tea has a special sweet taste, where some people think it resembles the taste of caramel, and others think it resembles honey or peach or sweet potato.