According to medical studies, tea aids in slowing down aging and inhibiting cardiovascular disease. Tea polyphenols demonstrate clear inhibition of bacterial and viruses and also a marked anti-inflammation and anti-diarrhea effect. Tea improves concentration, acts as a diuretic, prevents cavities and more.
Components of tea leaves with health benefits
Of the health protective functionality which tea yields, some of the more important ones include fluoride (anti-cavity), caffeine (stimulates central nervous system, diuretic), catechin (anti-oxidization, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, inhibits rise of blood pressure), flavonol (strengthens capillary walls, eliminates bad breath), r-amino butyric acid (lowers blood pressure, alleviates hangovers), etc.
Health benefits of drinking tea
1) Antioxidant effect, delays aging
2) Prevents cancer and mutations
3) Antibacterial and antiviral properties, protects against cavities and periodontitis
4) Removes odors, inhibits atherosclerosis, and lowers blood sugar
5) Lowers blood pressure
6) Alleviates allergies and inflammation, anti-radiation effect
7) Chelating properties against heavy metals (prevent stroke, protect liver function, prevent obesity)
8) Calming effect, alleviates pain, works as a sleeping aid, and provides relaxation, antibacterial and anti-obesity effects
9) Improves intestinal microflora and intestinal function
10) Fortifies bone density